Forest Academy Case Study

Forest Academy is a two-form entry school in Croydon, London. The children come from economically and socially challenging backgrounds and there is a high percentage of EAL (English as an Additional Language) children. The staff at Forest Academy are dedicated to providing a stimulating, exciting environment where every student feels valued and safe. All children should be able to reach their full potential.
Forest Academy already had touchscreen interactive whiteboards and iPads. The Academy was looking for a digital teaching software suitable for its pupils’ abilities. They needed it to be accessible to different types of users from any location.
Akhter found the right software package for Forest Academy, which could be tailored to any learner’s level. It also had a shared class login so pupils could access learning content outside of class with the support of teaching assistants, learning support assistants or a parent/ guardian at home.
Pupils can now interact with follow any lesson individually while in class as the bespoke software package links the interactive whiteboard with the iPads. Every child gets the right level of challenge from the available exercises. They can practise their times tables and explore spelling and diction at their own time and pace. The exercises are interactive and engaging so learning stays fun. The software tools allow each child to make their own notes on the screen or watch linked video content to help with their understanding.